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About us

Facebook started The Neighbourhood App back in 2021 to help neighbours connect with one another and Addy Saeed was selected as a moderator for the App.  The App wasn’t as big a success as Facebook wanted it to be and decided to eliminate it in October 2022.  Addy had been diligent in supporting the system and promoting it to his neighbours and saw it as a waste to not capitalize on all the hard work that was put in.  

He setup a Facebook Group called Meadowvale Neighbours so all the neighbours that had connected could continue to stay in touch.  The group grew steadily and now has a membership of over 700 local residents who actively participate and help each other.  

Neighbourhoods are built by residents that live there and the real estate that they own.  Addy, being a real estate broker with over 15 years of experience, wanted to promote the area and showcase what the area has to offer hence this website was born. 

We hope you enjoy the site and share with your knowledge to make it better!